Saturday 6 October 2007

I can't believe it's all over!

Me & Kate Before the race looking slightly nervous!

Well, I can't believe it's all over! Kate & I had a fantastic weekend up in Newcastle! We really enjoyed the run, The first 10 miles went really well, we were keeping quite a pace up and we both felt great! The people up in the North East are so friendly, and they helped the first 10 miles go really quickly!

We hit the 10 mile mark at 1 hour 34 mins, so were running really well. But the next 2 miles were a real challenge! I really don't remember much about miles 10 - 12, I just remember Kate shouting "Don't let me down now, Gill"! The 11th mile hill was just awful, but thanks to Kate shouting "Come on Gill" over and over again (bless her!), I pulled myself together and finally reached the top of the hill where we could see the sea, which was a brilliant sight!

The atmosphere on the final mile was fantastic, and the crowd were amazing! I felt so proud running the final mile along the sea front with Kate, and put everything I had into it! We crossed the finish line together in 2 hours 4 minutes. It was brilliant to be able to cross the line with Kate, as we'd trained so hard together to get there, and it was wonderful to share the moment with her. I couldn't stop smiling for about half an hour after the run, I was so happy with what we had achieved together, and overwhelmed with the fantastic support our family and friends and Team Lucozade Sport have given us over the past 12 weeks.

We raised a whopping £1,440 (£1,797 including tax!) for the diabetes nurses at Kings College Hospital, which is just brilliant! So thanks to each and everyone of you for all your kind words over the past 3 months, we couldn't have done this without you. We're definately going to be keeping up the running now, and we're already talking about beating the 2 hour mark next year! We've even roped in another friend, Lisa (nickname "Long Legs"!) in for next year!

I can't end this blog without mentioning what a delicious meal my Mum cooked for us after the run - thanks Mum! Washed down with some cold champagne - perfect! Also, what a great night out we had in Newcastle with TLS! We took over a corner of the Pitcher & Piano bar in Newcastle and it was great to finally meet everyone and share our experiences of the race day.

Hope to see you all in Newcastle in 2008! Somehow, I think next year will be even better!

Keep running!

Gill x

Me & Kate with huge smiles after the run!

Me & Kate looking slightly merry after a few drinks at Pitcher & Piano with TLS!

1 comment:

Kay said...

brilliant photos Gill!
So great to hear that you enjoyed it, and made it through the 10 mile wall- did any of Kevin's brilliant one liners come into play?

We all had a great weekend in Newcastle, and it was so good to meet you guys at the end of it all for a well earned drink, and I definitly think we will be seeing you again next year!

btw- I know a lisa with a nickname 'Long Legs'.. wonder if it is the same one!