Saturday 22 September 2007

Final long run today!

It's 8am on Saturday morning and I'm drinking Lucozade Sport in preparation for my last long run before the big race 1 week tomorrow! The past few weeks have flown by, and it feels great to know that all the hard training is nearly behind us, and we'll be standing on the start line in my home town in little more than a week!

I had my first ever sports massage on my lower legs this week - it was quite painful! Apparantly my calfs and right foot were really tight, and my half hour session got extended to 3/4 hour so that she could really loosen my legs up. Since then, and after a 4-day rest last week, the pain in my shins has very nearly gone! Consequently, I've booked myself in for another sports massage next week in preparation for the race.

I'm now starting to feel a little nervous, and little excited about next Sunday. I really want Kate & I to hit the 2 hour mark, but if we come in a little over, then so be it. At least I know that Kate & I have put in more than enough training to get us to the finish line in our best possible time. I feel much more prepared than last year, and I can't wait to get my Lucozade Sport kit on next week and take part in the biggest half marathon!


Team Lucozade Sport said...

And I am looking forward to you taking me out in your home TOON! We can do it Gill! 2 more runs to go!


Lisa Hacker said...

Yes you can Gill. I have every faith - you just need to stay positive!

Something for you to ponder:

I was out running with my sis at the weekend - she recently completed her second half marathon and her running is going really well, but as soon as she decides in her head that she cant do something, guess what, she really cant! So even before she saw the big hill at the end of our run, she turned to me and said that she was not going to be able to run up it (even though she almost always does manage it)and guess what? Yep, she was unable to run up it - the big learning for her (and me) from that is to always STAY POSITIVE - Gill - YOU WILL DO 2 HOURS!!!!

Kay said...

Of course you will do 2 hours! PMA!

Team Lucozade Sport said...

Well Gill, race day is only a few days away and I am excited for you! You've put your heart and soul (not to mention your body!) into training for this day and i know you are going to love it. Lis and Kay are right - a positive mental attitude counts for so much so aim high and believe in yourself. You've done the training so you have every reason to be confident and enjoy the whole experience. See you on race day and look after those legs in the meantime - plenty of rest will do wonders at this stage in the game because you already have the crucial miles under your belt.

Sal x

Team Lucozade Sport said...

It's Thursday - just three days to go! Hope you are feeling well and up for the big day on Sunday!

We're up in Newcastle already and with the activity starting to build, you cannot help but get excited! Looking forward to catching up with you this weekend!
