Thursday 6 September 2007

Great North Run

I started my running journey last July, when I entered my first ever Great North Run. Until then, the furthest distance I had ever run was 3 miles on a treadmill! Needless to say, the challenge I had set myself seemed extremely daunting!

After a grueling 10 weeks pounding the streets, I successfully completed the course in 2 hours 24 minutes. I loved the atmosphere, and I’ll never forget the feeling of crossing the finishing line! From then on, I’ve been hooked!

I’m now training 3-4 times a week for the ‘07 race. Whereas last year, I hated every single day of the training, this year, I’m quite enjoying it (I never thought I’d say that!) It helps that I have got a fantastic training partner, Kate. She really keeps me going if I begin to struggle. We’re raising money for the diabetes nurses at the King’s College Hospital, too, so when the going gets tough, I focus my thoughts on all the money we’re raising for such a great cause.

I’m looking forward to the big day now – it’s such an amazing experience. Roll on September 30th!

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