Wednesday 12 September 2007

2 1/2 weeks to go!

Went for an hour run last night, and either my running partner Kate was going faster than normal, or I was going slower and struggling! I think it may have been the latter! I'm off work this week, but not to rest and relax, I'm decorating the house. So I think the fact that I had been sanding and painting non-stop all day didn't help when I came to put my running shoes on last night!

Off our for another long-ish run tomorrow, then we've got 3 days off - hoorah! Hopefully that will help my shins recover - they're still painful.

I can't believe race day is less than 3 weeks away! I'm quite looking forward to the big day now. Last year when I took part in the run, I loved the experience! The atmosphere was brilliant! Looking forward to finishing the race too, and meeting up with a few of the Team Lucozade Sport members for a celebratory drink or two!


Team Lucozade Sport said...

Hi Gillian,

Well done for all your hard work, I am sure it will pay off. You be careful with your shins though, get some massage on your calfs!

Enjoy your rest days, sounds like you need them with all that decorating. Remember to have an easy week leading into the great north!

Good luck,

Liz Yelling.

Kay said...

Well done on all the running! Looking forward to seeing you cross the finish line! And then having a well earnt celebration. Take it easy next week!


Lisa Hacker said...


This is the week when you can start to enjoy all the training that you have been doing! With just one week to go, its time to start tapering off, carbo loading and getting those feet up for a hard earned rest week. Time to save yourself for race day!