Saturday 6 October 2007

I can't believe it's all over!

Me & Kate Before the race looking slightly nervous!

Well, I can't believe it's all over! Kate & I had a fantastic weekend up in Newcastle! We really enjoyed the run, The first 10 miles went really well, we were keeping quite a pace up and we both felt great! The people up in the North East are so friendly, and they helped the first 10 miles go really quickly!

We hit the 10 mile mark at 1 hour 34 mins, so were running really well. But the next 2 miles were a real challenge! I really don't remember much about miles 10 - 12, I just remember Kate shouting "Don't let me down now, Gill"! The 11th mile hill was just awful, but thanks to Kate shouting "Come on Gill" over and over again (bless her!), I pulled myself together and finally reached the top of the hill where we could see the sea, which was a brilliant sight!

The atmosphere on the final mile was fantastic, and the crowd were amazing! I felt so proud running the final mile along the sea front with Kate, and put everything I had into it! We crossed the finish line together in 2 hours 4 minutes. It was brilliant to be able to cross the line with Kate, as we'd trained so hard together to get there, and it was wonderful to share the moment with her. I couldn't stop smiling for about half an hour after the run, I was so happy with what we had achieved together, and overwhelmed with the fantastic support our family and friends and Team Lucozade Sport have given us over the past 12 weeks.

We raised a whopping £1,440 (£1,797 including tax!) for the diabetes nurses at Kings College Hospital, which is just brilliant! So thanks to each and everyone of you for all your kind words over the past 3 months, we couldn't have done this without you. We're definately going to be keeping up the running now, and we're already talking about beating the 2 hour mark next year! We've even roped in another friend, Lisa (nickname "Long Legs"!) in for next year!

I can't end this blog without mentioning what a delicious meal my Mum cooked for us after the run - thanks Mum! Washed down with some cold champagne - perfect! Also, what a great night out we had in Newcastle with TLS! We took over a corner of the Pitcher & Piano bar in Newcastle and it was great to finally meet everyone and share our experiences of the race day.

Hope to see you all in Newcastle in 2008! Somehow, I think next year will be even better!

Keep running!

Gill x

Me & Kate with huge smiles after the run!

Me & Kate looking slightly merry after a few drinks at Pitcher & Piano with TLS!

Saturday 22 September 2007

Final long run today!

It's 8am on Saturday morning and I'm drinking Lucozade Sport in preparation for my last long run before the big race 1 week tomorrow! The past few weeks have flown by, and it feels great to know that all the hard training is nearly behind us, and we'll be standing on the start line in my home town in little more than a week!

I had my first ever sports massage on my lower legs this week - it was quite painful! Apparantly my calfs and right foot were really tight, and my half hour session got extended to 3/4 hour so that she could really loosen my legs up. Since then, and after a 4-day rest last week, the pain in my shins has very nearly gone! Consequently, I've booked myself in for another sports massage next week in preparation for the race.

I'm now starting to feel a little nervous, and little excited about next Sunday. I really want Kate & I to hit the 2 hour mark, but if we come in a little over, then so be it. At least I know that Kate & I have put in more than enough training to get us to the finish line in our best possible time. I feel much more prepared than last year, and I can't wait to get my Lucozade Sport kit on next week and take part in the biggest half marathon!

Wednesday 12 September 2007

2 1/2 weeks to go!

Went for an hour run last night, and either my running partner Kate was going faster than normal, or I was going slower and struggling! I think it may have been the latter! I'm off work this week, but not to rest and relax, I'm decorating the house. So I think the fact that I had been sanding and painting non-stop all day didn't help when I came to put my running shoes on last night!

Off our for another long-ish run tomorrow, then we've got 3 days off - hoorah! Hopefully that will help my shins recover - they're still painful.

I can't believe race day is less than 3 weeks away! I'm quite looking forward to the big day now. Last year when I took part in the run, I loved the experience! The atmosphere was brilliant! Looking forward to finishing the race too, and meeting up with a few of the Team Lucozade Sport members for a celebratory drink or two!

Saturday 8 September 2007

Up early again on a Saturday morning (7.30am) so that I can eat some breakfast and ice my sore shins before I venture out on another training run. I think we're going to try 9 miles again today, which seems like a big task the way I'm feeling this morning!

The great thing about being in training for the GNR is that I wake up at weekends now without a self-induced sore head! Can't believe race day is 3 weeks tomorrow!

We've put in 9 weeks of hard training, and we haven't slacked off at all, so I'm feeling fitter than I think I ever have been and looking forward to the big day now! I'm also looking forward to no weekend training runs!

Thursday 6 September 2007

Great North Run

I started my running journey last July, when I entered my first ever Great North Run. Until then, the furthest distance I had ever run was 3 miles on a treadmill! Needless to say, the challenge I had set myself seemed extremely daunting!

After a grueling 10 weeks pounding the streets, I successfully completed the course in 2 hours 24 minutes. I loved the atmosphere, and I’ll never forget the feeling of crossing the finishing line! From then on, I’ve been hooked!

I’m now training 3-4 times a week for the ‘07 race. Whereas last year, I hated every single day of the training, this year, I’m quite enjoying it (I never thought I’d say that!) It helps that I have got a fantastic training partner, Kate. She really keeps me going if I begin to struggle. We’re raising money for the diabetes nurses at the King’s College Hospital, too, so when the going gets tough, I focus my thoughts on all the money we’re raising for such a great cause.

I’m looking forward to the big day now – it’s such an amazing experience. Roll on September 30th!